Ongoing projects

Correlation Detective

Correlation analysis is an invaluable tool in many domains, for better understanding the data and extracting salient insights. Multivariate correlations are a generalization of the well-known pairwise correlations (e.g., Pearson correlation) that can capture relations of arbitrarily-sized sets of variables. In the recent years, detection of such correlations has been proved instrumental in different disciplines, e.g., medicine, finance, and meteorology. Our tool, Correlation Detective, is the state-of-the-art for detecting these correlations in large time series. You can read more about it here. Contact us if you are interested to hear more, or to see what Correlation Detective can do for you.

Synopses for data streams

Are you working with fast-paced streams? There is a family of data structures called synopses, which enables compact and fast summarization of streams, and subsequent execution of analytics. We are maintaining a repository of open-source implementations of synopses (mostly in Java) that you can use for analyzing streaming data. Get it here. Contact us if you are interested to hear more.

STELAR: Spatio-TEmporal Linked data tools for the AgRi-food data space

Read more about it here

Recently completed projects

SmartDataLake: Sustainable Data Lakes for Extreme-Scale Analytics

The overall goal of SmartDataLake was to design, develop and evaluate novel approaches and techniques for extreme-scale analytics over Big Data Lakes, facilitating the journey from raw data to actionable insights. The project was funded by EU H2020.