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Short bio


Research focus

My research focuses on data-intensive systems, with a preference for managing unbounded data streams and distributed/scale-out algorithms. I like developing/combining approximate algorithms with hardware accelerators (GPUs, FPGAs) and Big Data platforms.

Selected recent professional services

2024: PC member for SIGMOD.
2024: Rapid Response Reviewer for VLDB.
2024: PC member for EDBT.
2024: Publication and Proceedings Chair for ICDE.
2024: Co-chair for MulTiSA@ICDE'24.
2024: Reviewer for Transactions on Cloud Computing.


  • August 2024: Our work (OmniSketch: Efficient Multi-Dimensional High-Velocity Stream Analytics with Arbitrary Predicates) has received the best paper award at VLDB'24.
  • May 2024: I have an open PhD position on streaming data management. Read more about it here
  • May 2024: Join us at ICDE'24. Together with Themis Palpanas and Dimitris Skoutas we are organizing the inaugural workshop on Multivariate Time Series Analytics. My team has a presentation at the workshop, and a lightning talk at the main conference on why we should start working on algorithms for detection of multivariate correlations.
  • Oct. 2023: The work OmniSketch: Efficient Multi-Dimensional High-Velocity Stream Analytics with Arbitrary Predicates, led by Wieger Punter, and together with Minos Garofalakis, was accepted as a full paper at VLDB'23

Contact details

Information Systems W&I, Mathematics and Computer Science
Phone: +31 40 247 6087
Address: MetaForum 7.063

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